Thursday, November 23, 2006

Just a passing thought...

Yesterday, I read a quote on the status of animals in India...which I thought I should share with you all...It goes like this --" I would rather be a cow in the USA--well fed but slaughtered, than be a cow in India--worshipped and starved"

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind...the condition of women (exclude those urban elites) is much the same...Women in India are glorified and hailed as Devi's, worshipped as the Mother Goddess...and at the very first instant of adversity, branded as 'witches' and hunted as game. I find the situation amusingly ironical. Is it not?!

1 comment:

speakurthoughts said...

I agree with your views and would like to add to it that ...respect for women must start from her family members first of all. Unless the family respects the personality, role and sacrifices of one else would ever recognise that. Only hollow words of worship and respect are meaningless unless it is in day to day behaviour of people at home, workplace, college etc.