Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We exist on the Internet now!

Hello all

There is some good news! The official website of Law Centre-I is finally ready, up-and-functioning!.
You may spread the news that we EXIST! : ))

The link is

Do go through it once. Comments and suggestions are invited.

1 comment:

V.Venkatesan said...

Congrats! Since today is probably the first day, I think it would be premature to suggest anything, as I hope you would start posting the relevant things , for example, exam schedule, date and timings for getting NOC from the library, our attendance status, teachers' availability in the staff room, (date/time etc. in Cardiff style!)the teachers' email ids (I don't see any harm in sharing it, although except you no other teacher has so far come forward)a common email id for the law centre-1 (for administrative purposes including grievance redressal), etc. Thanks for the great initiative. It would have been a great boon, had it been started 3 years earlier.