Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Something about Generic and Descriptive Trademarks

I think that the post might be relevant for IP students. Do read.

Kathputli and Protection by IP Regime

Something that we take for granted--Kathputlis or puppets. What rights do we have in them?
Read on.

Meaning of GI for Kolahpuri Chappals-published on spicyip

Dear readers

This post is interesting and very close to my heart. Hope you like it as well. Comments invited.


Saree Draping Styles and TCE-published on Spicyip

Hi readers

I am thrilled to share this post with you that has been published on spicyip-the premier IP blog.

Kindly access it from here.

Design Law Part II, Lecture Recording

Kindly access it from here.


Design Law Part I Lecture Recording

Kindly access from here.

Happy studying!

GIGA Part II Lecture Recording

Dear students

Kindly access the recoding from here. Hope you all are optimally utilizing these recorded lectures. Would love to hear from you.

Best wishes

IPR-I and Lecture on GIGA 1999

Dear students

It is unfortunate that COVID 19 related lockdown has disrupted our lectures. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. This presents us with a unique opportunity to learn something new-a new application to hold the classes online-ZOOM cloud meetings.

As promised, I am uploading the recording of the lecture here.

Kindly note that the file is heavy and might take time to run.

Happy studying!